Have you ever wondered what makes Russian cat names so enchanting and unique?
Nestled within the vast expanse of Russia lies a rich tapestry of culture, history, and language, each strand weaving into the fascinating realm of Russian cat names.
From the echoing halls of the Tsars to the mystical tales of folklore, these names are stories and symbols, each carrying a piece of the country’s soul.
In this article, we’ll explore the captivating world of Russian cat names. Whether you’re looking for a name that’s traditional, modern, or inspired by the country’s stunning nature and legendary art, we’ve got you covered.
Read on to discover the perfect Russian name for your feline companion, one that resonates with history, beauty, and character.
Female Russian Cat Names

Delving into the realm of female Russian cat names unveils a world rich with cultural elegance and depth. Each name possesses a distinct beauty and sophistication, making them ideal for a feline who embodies grace and femininity:
- Alina [ah-LEE-nah]
- Alla [AL-lah]
- Alya [AH-lya] (from of Alyona)
- Anya [AHN-yah] (from Anna)
- Dasha [DAH-shah] (from Daria)
- Dina [DEE-nah]
- Gala [GAH-lah] (from Galina)
- Inna [EEN-nah]
- Irina [ee-REE-nah]
- Katya [KAT-yah] (from Ekaterina)
- Klava [KLAH-vah] (from Klavdiya)
- Lana [LAH-nah]
- Lenchik [LEH-nah] (from Elena)
- Lera [LEH-rah] (from Valeria)
- Liza [LEE-zah] (from Elizaveta)
- Masha [MAH-shah] (from Maria)
- Mila [MEE-lah]
- Nadya [NAHD-yah] (from Nadezhda)
- Nastya [NAHS-tyah] (from Anastasia)
- Nina [NEE-nah]
- Oksana [ok-SAH-nah]
- Olga [OL-gah]
- Polina [po-LEE-nah]
- Raya [RAH-yah] (from Rayisa)
- Rita [REE-tah] (from Margarita)
- Roksana [rok-SA-nah]
- Sasha [SAH-shah] (from Alexandra)
- Svetlana [svet-LAH-nah]
- Tanya [TAHN-yah] (from Tatiana)
- Tasha [TAH-shah] (from Natalia)
- Ulya [OO-lyah] (from Uliana)
- Valya [VAHL-yah] (from Valentina)
- Vera [VEH-rah]
- Vika [VEE-kah] (from Victoria)
- Yana [YAH-nah]
- Yulia [YOO-lee-ah] (from Yuliya)
- Zara [ZAH-rah]
- Zoya [ZOY-ah]
For more naming ideas head on to our dedicated guide on Female Cat Names.
Male Russian Cat Names

Male Russian cat names are a mix of robust tradition and modern appeal, mirroring the vast and varied landscape of Russian culture itself. Perfect for a cat with a bold or noble demeanor:
- Alex [AH-leks] (from Alexander)
- Andrey [ahn-DRAY]
- Anton [AN-ton]
- Arkady [ar-KAH-dee]
- Boris [BO-ris]
- Dima [DEE-mah] (from Dmitri)
- Egor [YEH-gor]
- Fyodor [FYOH-dor]
- Gavril [GAH-vril]
- Grisha [GREE-shah] (from Grigory)
- Igor [EE-gor]
- Ilya [EEL-yah]
- Ivan [ee-VAHN]
- Kolya [KOH-lyah] (from Nikolay)
- Leo [LEH-o] (from Leonid)
- Lev [lehv]
- Maks [MAKS] (from Maxim)
- Misha [MEE-shah] (from Mikhail)
- Nikita [nee-KEE-tah]
- Oleg [OH-leg]
- Pasha [PAH-shah] (from Pavel)
- Petr [PEH-tr] (from Pyotr)
- Rurik [ROO-rik]
- Sasha [SAH-shah] (from Alexander)
- Semyon [SYEH-mon]
- Sergei [syer-GAY]
- Stas [stahs] (from Stanislav)
- Timur [tee-MOOR]
- Tolya [TOH-lyah] (from Anatoly)
- Vadim [VAH-deem]
- Valentin [vah-LEHN-teen]
- Vanya [VAHN-yah] (from Ivan)
- Vasily [vah-SEE-ly]
- Viktor [VEEK-tor]
- Yarik [YAH-rik] (from Yaroslav)
- Yegor [yeh-GOR] (from Egor)
- Yuri [YOO-ree]
- Zhenya [ZHEHN-yah] (from Evgeny)
Check out our detailed guide on Male Cat Names for more inspiration.
Unisex Russian Cat Names

Names in this category are versatile and unique, crossing traditional gender boundaries. They’re perfect for pet owners who prefer a more fluid approach to naming:
- Kolya [KO-lya] (from Nikolai/Nikolaya)
- Lesha [LE-shah] (from Alexei/Alexandra)
- Lyonya [LYO-nya] (from Leonid/Leonida)
- Misha [MEE-shah] (from Michael/Mikhail)
- Pasha [PAH-shah] (from Pavel/Pavla)
- Sasha [SAH-shah] (from Alexander/Alexandra)
- Senya [SE-nya] (from Arseny/Arsenia)
- Seryozha [SER-yo-zhah] (from Sergei)
- Shura [SHOO-rah] (from Alexander/Alexandra)
- Stasya [STA-sya] (from Anastasius/Anastasia)
- Tolya [TO-lya] (from Anatoly/Anatolia)
- Valya [VAL-ya] (from Valentin/Valentina)
- Vanya [VAN-ya] (from Ivan/Ivanna)
- Yura [YOO-rah] (from Yuri/Yurievna/Yurina)
- Zhenya [ZHE-nya] (from Evgeny/Evgenia)
Cute Russian Cat Names

Cute Russian cat names often feature playful diminutives and affectionate tones. These names are imbued with warmth and endearment, ideal for a cat that exudes charm and sweetness:
- Belka [BEL-kah] (Squirrel)
- Chayka [CHAI-kah] (Seagull)
- Dushka [DOOSH-kah] (A term of endearment)
- Golubchik [go-LOOB-chik] (Little pigeon, a term of endearment)
- Iskorka [ees-KOR-ka] (Little Spark)
- Karamelka [ka-ra-MEL-ka] (Caramel)
- Koketka [ko-KET-ka] (Flirt or coquette)
- Lapochka [la-POCH-ka] (Paw, a term of endearment)
- Lapushka [la-POOSH-ka] (Sweetie, a term of endearment)
- Laskovik [LAS-ko-vik] (Gentle one)
- Malysh [MAH-lysh] (Little one)
- Medok [MEH-dok] (Honey)
- Mishka [MISH-kah] (Bear cub, a term of endearment)
- Murzik [MOOR-zik] (A traditional pet name in Russia)
- Nezhka [NEZH-kah] (Tender one)
- Osenka [o-SEN-ka] (Autumn)
- Pechenka [peh-CHEN-ka] (Cookie)
- Plyushik [PLYOO-shik] (A soft, plushy name)
- Pushistik [POO-shee-tik] (Fluffy)
- Radost [ra-DOST] (Joy)
- Ryzhik [RY-zhik] (Ginger, often used for red-haired cats)
- Serebryanka [seh-REB-ryan-ka] (Silvery)
- Skazka [SKAZ-ka] (Fairytale)
- Sneginka [sneh-GINK-ah] (Snowflake)
- Solnishko [sol-NISH-ko] (Little sun)
- Trusik [TROO-sik] (Bunny)
- Umka [OOM-kah] (A character from a Russian cartoon bear)
- Vafelka [va-FEL-ka] (Waffle)
- Vatrushka [vat-ROOSH-ka] (A type of Russian pastry)
- Zolotinka [zo-LO-teen-ka] (Little gold)
Looking for a name for a Russian Blue kitty? Our dedicated guide to Russian Blue Cat Names has you covered.
Funny Russian Cat Names

Names in this section are characterized by their whimsy and humor. These names often play on words, Russian cultural references, or are simply amusing in their sound. They are perfect for cats with a mischievous or playful personality, bringing a smile to anyone who hears them:
- Babochka [bah-BOCH-ka] (Butterfly)
- Babushkat [bah-BOOSH-kat] (Play on ‘babushka’)
- Blini [BLEE-nee] (Referring to the Russian pancake)
- Borshik [BOR-shik] (A diminutive twist on ‘borscht’, the soup)
- Caviarik [kav-YAR-ik] (A humorous take on ‘caviar’)
- Czarry [ZAH-ree] (A pun on ‘Tsar’, Russian emperor)
- Dachnik [DAHCH-nik] (Inspired by owners of summer houses, ‘dachas’)
- Dozhdik [DOZH-dik] (Meaning little rain)
- Faberge [fa-BER-zhe] (After the famous jeweled eggs)
- Kompotik [kom-POT-ik] (Diminutive of ‘kompot’, a fruit drink)
- Kosmonautik [koz-mo-NAW-tik] (Referring to a cosmonaut, or astronaut)
- Kotletka [kot-LET-ka] (Meaning little cutlet)
- Kvassik [KVASS-ik] (Diminutive of ‘kvass’, a traditional beverage)
- Lichinka [LEE-cheen-ka] (Larva)
- Matryoshkat [mah-TROSH-kat] (A play on ‘Matryoshka’, Russian nesting dolls)
- Mishmash [MISH-mash] (Referring to a mixture, humorous for a mixed-breed cat)
- Napoleonik [na-po-LEO-nik] (A twist on ‘Napoleon’, a type of cake)
- Pirozhki [pee-ROZH-kee] (Referring to a type of Russian pastry)
- Rasberrynik [raz-BEHR-nee-nik] (Inspired by the fruit, with a Russian twist)
- Rasputin [ras-POO-tin] (A nod to the mysterious historical figure)
- Rassolnik [ra-SOL-nik] (A playful take on a traditional Russian soup)
- Samovarik [sa-mo-VAR-ik] (Diminutive of ‘samovar’, a Russian tea urn)
- Sibirik [si-BEER-ik] (A cute play on ‘Siberia’)
- Snegurochka [sne-GOO-roch-ka] (After the Snow Maiden from Russian folklore)
- Sputnik [SPUT-nik] (After the famous Russian satellite)
- Tovarishch [toh-VAH-rish] (Meaning comrade or friend)
- Tsarina [zar-EE-nah] (A funny twist on ‘Tsar’, for a female cat)
- Ushanka [oo-SHAN-ka] (Referring to a Russian fur hat)
- Vodka [VOD-ka] (After the famous Russian drink)
- Yolkov [YOL-kov] (A play on ‘yolk’, humorous for a yellow cat)
- Zhulik [ZHOO-lik] (Meaning trickster or rogue)
Russian Cat Names Inspired by Food and Drink

Russian cat names inspired by food and drink celebrate the country’s rich culinary traditions. From hearty meals to iconic beverages, these names offer a flavorful twist on standard cat naming conventions:
- Belyashi [beh-LYAH-shee] (Type of fried meat pie)
- Blini [BLEE-nee] (Russian pancakes)
- Borodinsky [boh-roh-DIN-skee] (After Borodinsky bread)
- Borscht [BOR-scht] (Famous beet soup)
- Caviar [KAH-vee-ar] (Luxurious fish roe)
- Chak-chak [CHAK-chak] (A Tatar sweet pastry)
- Draniki [drah-NEE-kee] (Potato pancakes)
- Grib [greeb] (Mushroom)
- Ikra [EEK-rah] (Referring to caviar)
- Kartoshka [kar-TOHSH-kah] (Potato)
- Kefir [keh-FEER] (Fermented milk drink)
- Kisel [KEE-sel] (Fruit drink)
- Kolbasa [kol-BAH-sah] (Sausage)
- Kompot [KOM-pot] (Sweet beverage made from fruits)
- Kvass [kvahs] (Traditional fermented beverage)
- Medovik [meh-DOH-vik] (Honey cake)
- Morozhenoe [mo-ro-ZHEH-no-ye] (Ice cream)
- Okroshka [ok-ROSH-ka] (Cold soup)
- Olivier [oh-LEE-vee-ay] (After the Olivier salad)
- Pelmeni [PEL-me-nee] (Dumplings)
- Pirog [PEE-rog] (Pie)
- Pirozhki [pee-ROZH-kee] (Small stuffed buns)
- Rassolnik [rah-SOL-nik] (Traditional soup)
- Samovar [SAH-moh-var] (Traditional Russian tea brewing device)
- Sbiten [SBI-ten] (Traditional hot drink)
- Shashlik [SHASH-lik] (Skewered and grilled meat)
- Sirniki [seer-NEE-kee] (Cheese pancakes)
- Solyanka [soh-LYAN-kah] (Thick, spicy, and sour soup)
- Stroganoff [stroh-GAH-noff] (After beef stroganoff)
- Syrnaya [SEER-nah-ya] (Referring to cheese-based dishes)
- Tvorog [TVO-rog] (Cottage cheese)
- Ukha [OO-kha] (Fish soup)
- Vareniki [vah-REH-nee-kee] (Dumplings similar to pierogi)
- Vodka [VOD-ka] (Famous Russian spirit)
- Zakuski [zah-KOOS-kee] (Variety of appetizers)
Russian Cat Names Inspired by Literature and Art

Drawing from Russia’s esteemed literary and artistic heritage, these cat names are steeped in cultural significance. They reflect the works of great Russian authors and artists, making them an excellent choice for a cat owned by literature and art enthusiasts:
- Alyosha [ah-LYO-shah] (From ‘The Brothers Karamazov’ by Dostoevsky)
- Anna [AH-nah] (After Anna Karenina from Tolstoy’s novel)
- Bazarov [bah-ZAH-rov] (From ‘Fathers and Sons’ by Turgenev)
- Behemoth [be-HEE-moth] (The cat in ‘The Master and Margarita’ by Bulgakov)
- Chekhov [CHEK-ov] (After Anton Chekhov, famous playwright)
- Dostoevsky [dos-toh-EF-skee] (After Fyodor Dostoevsky, renowned novelist)
- Gogol [GO-gol] (After Nikolai Gogol, celebrated author)
- Goncharova [gon-CHA-ro-va] (After Natalia Goncharova, famous painter)
- Kandinsky [kan-DIN-skee] (After Wassily Kandinsky, abstract artist)
- Kazimir [kah-ZEE-meer] (After Kazimir Malevich, avant-garde artist)
- Kolya [KO-lya] (From ‘The Idiot’ by Dostoevsky)
- Lomonosov [loh-mo-NO-sov] (After Mikhail Lomonosov, polymath)
- Margarita [mar-gah-REE-tah] (From ‘The Master and Margarita’ by Bulgakov)
- Nastasya [nas-TAH-sya] (From ‘The Idiot’ by Dostoevsky)
- Onegin [oh-NEH-gin] (After Eugene Onegin from Pushkin’s novel)
- Pechorin [peh-CHO-reen] (From ‘A Hero of Our Time’ by Lermontov)
- Pushkin [POOSH-kin] (After Alexander Pushkin, national poet)
- Raskolnikov [ras-KOL-ni-kov] (From ‘Crime and Punishment’ by Dostoevsky)
- Repin [RE-pin] (After Ilya Repin, realist painter)
- Rodchenko [rod-CHEN-ko] (After Alexander Rodchenko, artist)
- Sonya [SO-nya] (From ‘War and Peace’ by Tolstoy)
- Tatlin [TAT-lin] (After Vladimir Tatlin, artist)
- Tchaikovsky [chy-KOV-skee] (After Pyotr Tchaikovsky, composer)
- Tolstoy [TOL-stoy] (After Leo Tolstoy, famous author)
- Vronsky [VRON-skee] (From ‘Anna Karenina’ by Tolstoy)
- Zemfira [zem-FEE-rah] (From ‘Ruslan and Ludmila’ by Pushkin)
Russian Cat Names Inspired by Mythology and Folklore

Rooted in the mystical and enchanting world of Slavic legends, these cat names delve into Russia’s ancient mythology and folklore. These monikers carry the magic and allure of Russian tales, filled with mythical creatures and legendary heroes:
- Alkonost [AL-koh-nost] (A mythic bird with a beautiful voice)
- BabaYaga [bah-bah-YAH-gah] (A famous witch-like character in folklore)
- Belobog [BEH-loh-bog] (The Slavic god of light and sun)
- Chernobog [CHEHR-noh-bog] (The Slavic god of darkness)
- Domovoi [doh-MOH-voi] (A protective house spirit)
- Gamayun [gah-MAH-yoon] (A prophetic bird)
- Ilya [EEL-yah] (From Ilya Muromets, a folk hero)
- Ivan [ee-VAHN] (From many folk tales, like ‘Ivan Tsarevich’)
- Kikimora [kee-kee-MOH-rah] (A female house spirit)
- Koschei [KOSH-chay] (An immortal villain from folklore)
- Leshy [LEH-shee] (A forest spirit)
- Mavka [MAHV-kah] (A forest nymph)
- Morozko [mo-ROZ-ko] (Old Man Winter or Father Frost)
- Navi [NAH-vee] (Referring to the underworld)
- Perun [PEH-roon] (The Slavic god of thunder)
- Poludnica [po-LOOD-nee-tsah] (A midday spirit)
- Rusalka [roo-SAL-kah] (A water nymph)
- Sadko [SAD-ko] (A legendary adventurer)
- Stribog [STREE-bog] (The Slavic god of wind)
- Svarga [SVAR-gah] (The heavenly realm)
- Svyatogor [SVYA-toh-gor] (A mighty knight from folklore)
- Triglav [TREE-glav] (A deity with three heads)
- Veles [VEH-les] (The Slavic god of earth, waters, and the underworld)
- Vodyanoy [vo-DYA-noy] (A male water spirit)
- Volos [VOH-los] (The Slavic god of animals)
- Yaga [YAH-gah] (Short for Baba Yaga)
- Yarilo [YA-ree-loh] (The Slavic god of fertility and spring)
- Zhar-ptitsa [ZHAR-ptee-tsah] (The Firebird from folklore)
- Zmey [ZMEY] (A dragon-like creature)
Russian Cat Names Inspired by Nature

Inspired by Russia’s vast and diverse natural landscapes, these cat names capture the essence of the country’s geographical beauty:
- Altai [al-TAI] (After the Altai Mountains)
- Amur [ah-MOOR] (After the Amur River)
- Baikal [BYE-kahl] (After Lake Baikal)
- Birch [birch] (After the common Russian tree)
- Boreal [boh-RE-al] (Referring to the taiga or boreal forests)
- Danube [DAN-yoob] (After the Danube River, which flows into the Black Sea)
- Dvina [DVEE-nah] (After the Northern Dvina River)
- Elbrus [el-BROOS] (After Mount Elbrus)
- Irtysh [EER-tish] (After the Irtysh River)
- Kamchat [kam-CHAT] (Shortened from Kamchatka Peninsula)
- Kola [KO-lah] (After the Kola Peninsula)
- Ladoga [lah-DO-gah] (After Lake Ladoga)
- Lena [LEH-nah] (After the Lena River)
- Neva [NEH-vah] (After the Neva River)
- Ob [ob] (After the Ob River)
- Onega [oh-NEH-gah] (After Lake Onega)
- Oural [oo-RAL] (French pronunciation of ‘Ural’, referring to the Ural Mountains)
- Pechora [peh-CHO-rah] (After the Pechora River)
- Rurik [ROO-rik] (Legendary Varangian chieftain, symbolizing the Russian wilderness)
- Siberia [si-BEER-ee-ah] (After the vast region of Siberia)
- Taiga [TY-gah] (After the Taiga, the largest forest region)
- Tundra [TUN-drah] (After the Russian tundra)
- Ural [YOO-ral] (After the Ural Mountains)
- Valday [val-DAY] (After the Valdai Hills)
- Volga [VOL-gah] (After the Volga River)
- Yenisei [yen-ih-SAY] (After the Yenisei River)
Cat Names Based on Colors in Russian

Delving into the vibrant world of colors, Russian cat names based on hues offer a unique and creative way to name your feline friend. Whether your cat’s coat mirrors the night sky or the golden rays of the sun, there’s a color-inspired Russian name that fits perfectly:
Russian Names for Black Cats
- Chernysh [CHER-nish] (Little Black)
- Nochnoy [NOCH-noy] (Nocturnal)
- Temny [TEM-nee] (Dark)
- Smolka [SMOL-kah] (Tar)
- Ugolyok [oo-GO-lyok] (Little Coal)
- Tenevoy [teh-NEH-voy] (Shadowy)
- Pechka [PECH-kah] (Little Stove)
- Koshek [KO-shek] (Derived from “cat” in Russian, for a quintessential black cat)
- Nochka [NOCH-kah] (Little Night)
- Zmey [ZMEY] (Dragon, often depicted as dark or shadowy)
- Charodey [cha-RO-dey] (Wizard, implying magic and mystery)
Explore additional black cat naming ideas in our specialized Black Cat Names guide.
Russian Names for White Cats
- Belka [BEL-kah] (Squirrel, often used for light-colored animals)
- Snezhinka [SNEZH-in-kah] (Snowflake)
- Belyash [BE-lyash] (Whitey)
- Svetik [SVET-ik] (Little Light)
- Zima [ZEE-mah] (Winter)
- Snezhok [SNEZH-ok] (Little Snow)
- Albus [AL-bus] (White)
- Lumos [LOO-mos] (Inspired by light, luminous)
- Igloo [IG-loo] (Referring to the snow house)
- Moroz [mo-ROZ] (Frost)
- Polarny [po-LAR-nee] (Polar)
- Belyan [be-LYAN] (A form of white)
- Snegurochka [sneh-GOO-roch-kah] (Snow Maiden)
- Vata [VAH-tah] (Cotton)
- Ledyanka [le-DYAN-kah] (Icy)
Delve into our comprehensive resource on White Cat Names for extra inspiration.
Russian Names for Orange Cats
- Ryzhik [RY-zhik] (Ginger)
- Ognenok [og-NYE-nok] (Little Flame)
- Zolotko [zo-LOT-ko] (Little Gold)
- Krasny [KRAS-nee] (Red)
- Medok [MEH-dok] (Honey)
- Tygryonok [tig-RYOH-nok] (Little Tiger)
- Persik [PER-sik] (Peach)
- Ryabina [rya-BEE-nah] (Rowan, a tree with bright red-orange berries)
- Solnechnik [sol-NYECH-nik] (Little Sun)
- Solnyshko [sol-NISH-ko] (Little Sun)
- Karamelka [ka-ra-MEL-ka] (Caramel)
- Marigold [MA-ree-gold] (After the orange flower)
- Jantar [YAN-tar] (Amber)
- Ignat [ig-NAT] (Fire)
- Mandarin [man-da-REEN] (Mandarin, both the fruit and the color)
- Zorenka [zo-REN-ka] (Little Dawn)
Find more naming ideas by visiting our Orange Cat Names guide.
Russian Names for Gray Cats
- Serysh [SEH-rish] (Little Gray)
- Tuman [TOO-man] (Fog)
- Serebro [seh-REB-ro] (Silver)
- Dymka [DIM-kah] (Little Smoke)
- Stalny [STAHL-nee] (Steel)
- Serovat [se-RO-vat] (Grayish)
- Pepelny [peh-PEHL-nee] (Ashen)
- Grafity [GRA-fee-tee] (Graphite)
- Molniya [MOL-nee-ya] (Lightning)
- Ledik [LEH-dik] (Little Ice)
- Kamenniy [ka-MEN-nee] (Stony)
- Tenevoy [teh-NEH-voy] (Shadowy)
- Lunnik [LOON-nik] (Little Moon)
- Oblako [ob-LA-ko] (Cloud)
- Zhelezny [zheh-LEZ-nee] (Iron)
Go to our Gray Cat Names guide for a variety of additional choices.
Russian Names for Brown Cats
- Kofey [KO-fey] (Coffee)
- Shokolad [sho-ko-LAD] (Chocolate)
- Korichny [ko-REECH-nee] (Cinnamon)
- Karamelka [ka-ra-MEL-ka] (Caramel)
- Topaz [to-PAZ] (Topaz, a brownish gemstone)
- Medvezhonok [med-VEZ-ho-nok] (Little Bear)
- Kashtan [KASH-tan] (Chestnut)
- Bronza [BRON-za] (Bronze)
- Pechenka [peh-CHEN-ka] (Cookie)
- Lesnoy [LES-noy] (Forest)
- Muskat [MUS-kat] (Nutmeg)
- Kedr [KED-r] (Cedar)
Russian Names for Calico and Tortoiseshell Cats
- Patchik [PAH-chik] (Little Patch)
- Kraski [KRAS-kee] (Colors)
- Mozaika [mo-ZAI-ka] (Mosaic)
- Pisanka [pee-SAN-ka] (Decorated Egg, often multicolored)
- Raznotsvet [raz-NO-tsvet] (Multicolored)
- Palitra [pa-LEE-tra] (Palette)
- Sharik [SHA-rik] (Little Ball, referring to a patchy ball)
- Patchwork [PATCH-work]
- Kaleydoskop [ka-ley-DO-skop] (Kaleidoscope)
- Tsvetok [TSVET-ok] (Flower, representing a mix of colors)
- Maskirovka [mas-kee-ROV-ka] (Camouflage)
- Vitrazh [vee-TRAZH] (Stained Glass)
Uncover a range of other naming ideas within our guides to Calico Cat Names and Tortoiseshell Cat Names.